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Services We Offer

Professional Services You Can Rely On

Therapeutic Services

​​Olivian homes is offering a peaceful and fulfilment home, works with qualified behaviour therapists, music therapists, occupational therapists, speech & language therapists, aromatherapists and counselling where required. We believe therapeutic services are
beneficial to meeting the specific needs of the individuals. We use therapeutic services as a holistic approach when supporting the service users in our home.

Respite Care Services

Olivian Homes provides emergency and organised care
services. We are an activity-based and therapeutic home
where our trained and qualified staff deliver 24/7 care
and support to individuals in respite care. We provide
short and long-term respite care services where the
service users will have access to the
activity-based program, independent life skills program, and therapeutic services where required. A person-
centred approach is used to ensure the service user's
needs are adequately met. Olivian Homes provides positive behaviour support and a safe home

Independent Living Skills Program

​At Olivian Homes, we offer a person-centred service
with the aim of promoting independent living skills.
Service users are encouraged to develop
their knowledge and skills in daily living, problem
solving, effective communication and interpersonal
skills and where necessary education, training and
employment. Our tailored independent living activities
are offered to promote independent living skills.

Activity-based Program

At Olivian Homes, we have an activity coordinator who
plans regular indoor and outdoor activities that are
carefully selected considering the abilities and needs of
the service users, helping to promote their social skills,
independent living skills and encouraging a healthy
lifestyle. We have a fully equipped activity room, a play
ground and activity garden where different activities
can be done within the home and loads of other
planned outdoor activities.

24-Hour Care and Support

​​Olivian Homes provides quality accommodation with
well-trained staff that work round the clock to support
the service users living in our home. Our
support is person-centred, enabling each service user
or adult to grow and develop their skills and
independence. We support residents who have
learning disabilities, autism, or challenging behaviour. We aim at meeting their needs and
enhancing their emotional, psychological, physical, and
social wellbeing. Residents are
supported with their day-to-day routines, activities,
independent life skills, and access to the community.​

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